
Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Taaz Me

I haven't used the virtual makeover site Taaz, in years. At the weekend though I got an email from Topshop and their cosmetics are available to transform you on Taaz, so I thought I'd give it a go. I was keen to see what Vamp lipstick would look like on me. For that reason, I don't think the site is very precise though. I tried out a couple of products I do own and they looked completely different on the virtual me from real life me-so it's not really a good indication of how they will look in real life. My Topshop makeovers resulted in me looking like a bad drag queen-but I may as well embarrass myself and show you how not to do it! The second is supposedly Vamp lippie-bleugh, not the vampish purple I was expecting!
I am completely addicted to the site now though-it's ridiculous. It's so much fun. If you don't know anything about it, it's very easy to use. Just upload a photo of yourself (best without makeup and hair pulled back)-I don't have any non makeup photos of me on my computer, so I just uploaded several with. You can then pick everything from foundation to eyeshadow, contacts, lipstick and the best!
As someone who's had several big colour and cut changes in my life, I'm always banging on about how important it is to modify your makeup to suit your new look. I find I can get away with so much more makeup in darker, more dramatic colours when I'm dark haired. Yet the same would make me look like a drag queen when blonde. With pink hair, I find it's best to play up the pink colours (blush, lips) even although I normally suit earthy lips and peach blush.
Above images show a before and after and below, the exact same makeup/eyes but with red hair rather than blonde. It's easy to see which areas you would have to tweak to suit the new colouring. You can click images to enlarge.
I'm secretly in love with my gothic Katy Perry makeover below
Doing my best Dita Von Teese impression
I'm going to bore you silly with my new 'looks'! Heehee!


  1. OH...MY...GOODNESS!!! This is brilliant! I've never heard of Taaz before and I'm now obsessed with it! I'm gonna Taaz my 3 year old nephew for a laugh've finished taazing myself once i! :)

  2. I've not heard of this either - it looks like good fun!

  3. lol, thanks i'd never heard of Taaz before this post, i've been having a great time on this site for the past 45 mins, i'm afro caribbean & its been great fun to see how i'd look as a blond hahaha :o)

  4. Haha, I love that we are all Taaz obsessives together!

    Let me know which styles you're finding you like!

    Lisa, I was a little disappointed with the afro styles-there are only 3 and I wanted to try something different. How did it go as a blonde?

  5. i wasn't overly impressed with the afro styles either, but think i managed to make a few of the other hairstyles work for me :o) I think i was rockin the blond lol...


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