
Saturday, 14 August 2010

Irregular Choice Toodle Loo Mohawk

Fans of this old cortesan style may be pleased to see it's been given a Schuh make-over (£79.99) in the shape of the newer court style we saw last season from Irregular Choice. While I like it's new look and I truly adore that shape to look at, I'm not over the moon about the change due to the sizing issues it provokes. I usually find the old cortesan a tight fit, but the new court is even more unpredictable. The black and white check Toodle Loo I had to send back because they were far too small, the teddy Love Games just fit in my normal size, whereas I had to go up a full size in the metallic Love Games because I literally couldn't get my foot into my normal size 5. The floral rosette Toodle Loo from Schuh, I actually ended up trying on in a 7 (two sizes larger) which was slightly too big but both the 5 and 6 wouldn't fit (which I was truly gutted about). So I can't help you out on deciding which size to take, you'll really have to try them for yourself and see.
I am pleased however, that we get a first look at the new season box, an adorable little Alice to co-ordinate with the rabbit in a teapot soles. I don't know if I mentioned this in my other IC posts, but I'm pleased to see the orange crushed velvet insole has been replaced this season with a much easier on the eye teal!


  1. oeh I LOVE the new box & soles! The shoes are also gorgeous but to high for me, I'd never wear them...

  2. OMG these heels are so cute!
    Love it!

    xx fesi-fashion

  3. Just stumbled across your blog today, its fab, i'm lovin it! :o)
    I too am a big Irregular Choice fan

    Keep up the good work

  4. Thanks for the comments!

    Lisa, as a fellow IC lover, you'll love my other blog- The Shoe Girl Diaries...loads of IC images!!!

  5. I have to say, the UK site for IC is far better than the USA site. These are really cute. I'm a big IC fan. I love that you post pics of what you're wearing them with. Thank you!

  6. Thanks for commenting heatherfeather, glad you like the outfit posts too! For IC, the Schuh website does ship internationally (£10 p&p to the US). It's a shame more shops don't stock IC in the US, I know karmaloop and others get very few styles, a pity that the IC website doesn't stock the same styles for us all.


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