
Sunday, 20 June 2010

A Little Update

Posting will perhaps be a little sporadic over the next week, because I had a little accident last night. I fell down the stairs and I've really hurt myself, very bruised and sore this morning : ( I've stopped The Shoe Girl Diaries for a few days, purely because I can't get into the positions I need to, to take a decent shot of my feet and I probably won't even be leaving the house for days anyway. Keep checking back though, I'm sure I'll be up and back to normal in no time x x x


  1. Oh dear, get better soon! I hope you are ok now xx

  2. aaawhhh feel better soon! :)

  3. aww, I hope you feel better soon! xx

  4. Thanks everyone; feeling frustrated today because I'm so sore and annoyed with myself for further handicapping myself!

  5. Oh gosh, get well soon sweet


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