
Tuesday, 21 October 2008

I'm Baaaack!

Hi, sorry for the lack of posts this week. I've been busy gathering shoes to sell on eBay! I must admit I usually find it hard to let go of things, I'm definitely a hoarder, but I've surprised myself at how easy it was to downsize my collection. I probably own around 200 pairs of shoes. Most of them are kept in my room, although my parents built a shed to house some of my belongings when I came home to live a few years ago. After 4 years away from home, I had definitely gathered more things than I had space for in my bedroom.

I have managed to put up around 30 pairs on eBay so it's definitely a start. There are probably lots more in 'the shed' that could be sorted through when I have more time. If you want to look them up on eBay, here's the link. There are a few brand new pairs and the rest have only been worn once or twice and are in really good condition so check them out.

I'm also in the process of throwing out all my magazines (a huge task). I started buying glossies when I was around 13 and never missed an issue. A few years ago it got to the stage where I was buying every monthly and weekly mag going. I was cutting out pictures and saving them in categorized folders, but it all got too much. There just wasn't enough room to house all the stuff and the cutting and collecting was taking up more spare time than I had. At first I was trying to sort through the things I wanted to keep, but now I'm being ruthless and recycling them all. I just have to not think about it! It still upsets me when I see a fabulous full page image that I want to cut out, but you can't keep everything!

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