
Saturday, 9 August 2008

MAC Starflash and Colour Forms

Things have been a little bit quiet on the makeup front lately. I guess because I hauled so much MAC stuff the past couple of months I was taking a break. The new collections on the MAC site this week are Colour Forms and Starflash. Part of the CF collection is a Nordstrom exclusive in the US, so there are lipsticks, highlighers etc that we aren't getting in the UK. As I believe it, CF is online only in the UK and will not be sold at counters.

I'm holding off ordering for now, but there are some things I'd like from these collections. I'm just not sure if I really need them. The items I do want are eye colours and it's usually lip products that have me reaching for the credit card!

The eyeshadows from Starflash (above) are really pretty, my favourite is Talent Pool, an aqua shade. I'd also like Lotusland (pinky lilac) and darker shades Top Hat (frosty indigo) and Star by Night (frosty blue). My reluctance to buy immediately may also be due to the fact that I haven't had much time to play around with my Cool Heat eyeshadows (many in similar colours of blue/green/turquoise). Plus for those four shades, it's £40 and could I put that £40 to better use than eyeshadows that I probably already have in similar shades?

If I'm totally honest I don't use lip products in palettes, applicaton seems too time consuming and fiddly, so the Colour Forms lip trios (£19) don't really appeal to me. I do like the look of the 5 Cool Eyes Palette though (above). At £29, it's pretty good value, but again could I dupe those colours?

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