
Monday, 24 September 2018

Irregular Choice: My Top 12 Of 2017

selection of Irregular Choice picture shoes boxes from 2017 seasons with heading overlay
I don't think I've ever done a post like this before, but at the start of the year (these photos were taken on a very grey January), I thought it would be fun to put together my favourite Irregular Choice shoes and boots of 2017. I get asked for favourites a lot and I never really have an answer as I find it far too difficult to choose. I've tailored my collection over the years to those I really love and am lucky I can collect anything rather than having to buy specifics, like "black shoes" or "mid heels" etc.  So it's quite hard to pick one over the other, when you collect for passion rather than necessity. There are of course some you like that little bit more and that can be for a variety of reasons, not just aesthetics, but Irregular Choice make such interesting and innovative styles, that it made my job very difficult to select just 12. Actually it began as a Top 10 before I realised that was impossible. Look at it as one a month instead! I haven't included bags and accessories as I was already struggling to whittle it down, but I bought (and loved) a lot of those in 2017 too. I'm going to reveal them in a random order, because rating these 1-12 would've been excruciating for me, although I do kinda have a top 5.

Monday, 3 September 2018

Irregular Choice: Fairy Toadstool Character Heels

Mega excitement today with the arrival of the new Irregular Choice fairy toadstool heels that launched on Friday. I bought two pairs, with the intention of returning the shoes if the boots looked hideous on me, as the boots were my first choice. I don't know when (I'm honestly shattered just from opening the box), but I'll have more photos and info when I do a Shoesday fit review on The Shoe Girl Diaries and a more in-depth review here, but I wanted to give you my first impressions. group of toadstool heels lined up on shoes