
Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Inspiretty #99

I've had such a stressful day. I've been having computer troubles all week (I swear mine breaks twice as often as others) and the main issue has been starting it up. If it's shut down or goes to sleep for a longish time then it's near impossible to get it started again. Windows just doesn't work. After an hour of attempts this morning, I got it fixed or so I thought (until it went to sleep this afternoon and had shut down/gone funny by itself). In my not so vast computer geek mind, I reckon it's the hard drive (it's making a strange clicky sound on startup), so I've been frantically trying to backup all my files today. Turns out you need a helluva free space somewhere for that and no memory stick, disc or hard drive I own has enough room! Tonight I spent 2 hours deleting crap off my old hard drive to make room for at least my pictures, videos and music (which I'd be pissed if I lost) but it's taking ages to manually copy and paste those folders plus the stuff I earlier removed from the old hard drive has reappeared. 'Grrrr' doesn't cover it. If only computing life was as simple as Snow White makes it look eh?


Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Inspiretty #98

Inspiretty today comes from Rihanna (yet again), she uploaded this image to Twitter (no, I don't have an account yet-figure by the time I do, the world will have moved onto something else), anyway-she wrote "Touch ups...Ariel style'. Awww adorable! And my favourite Disney girl and yes, her hair is starting to resemble the little mermaid! Aside from my Ariel/mermaid love, I love the lighting in this pic, like she's glowing!! Now where did I put my dinglehopper?

Monday, 6 June 2011

Inspiretty #97

Hello pumpkins! I noticed my 'blog hits' were down this weekend, quite considerably and no wonder, seeing as I've neglected you since last week! I've been feeling like poo, not in the mood for anything, completely uninspired, generally lethargic, migraines are back, hair is beyond a mess, diet has gone out the window, don't think I've shaved my legs in a fortnight and my nails haven't been painted for nearly 4 weeks-I'm going to the dogs I tell ya! When you feel like that, I never think the best thing you can do is write a blog as it just comes across as very depressing and lacklustre and nobody wants to read that! So, I'm going to attempt to spark myself up (hair will get coloured this week) and I'll hopefully resume normal service...including Inspiretty, oh how I've missed it (perhaps there's a direct link between this and my mood?). So here's my New Look/LCF shoes I bought the other week, mahoosive aren't they?

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Something To Do...

When I have far too much work to do and can't decide how to prioritise, I always end up wasting time playing online games, watching videos on YouTube and generally veering away from what I'm supposed to be doing. Yesterday was one of those days. I decided to see if I could figure out how to make a wee fan-vid of Third Watch (which you're probably bored of me always praising, but I love it). So I gets out my dvd's and has me a little play around (by that I mean, I don't realise how many hours I've spent cutting and editing a short video). It was fun for me, because I love the show and the particular piece I was making, but I'm sure it would be boring editing something you didn't feel passionate about like somebody elses wedding or something! Anyway, as I say, I don't know if you're interested in this, but I'm pretty proud of how it turned out and this particular episode was sooo funny, I'm sure if you're not familiar with the story or characters you'll still find it amusing! So, I've popped it up onto my YouTube channel today and will probably make more in the future-more for my own satisfaction than anything else! Oh and I want to marry Bosco...he is the man!

Come Get Some Kandee!

Hello peeps! I've not had much time to blog recently which is unfortunate-things have just been mega busy. I'm still trying to get caught up on The Shoe Girl Diaries posts and you'll find a new one over there just now. It's also looking likely I'll be re-listing (and finding more items) for eBay this weekend-so I'll be occupied with that.
I wanted to give you a heads up on a fabulous 50% off sale at Kandee. You know I always champion the brand and this is the perfect time to pick up some new season stock at reduced prices.
Here's me looking rather chipper with my Glace Cherry's. Now I may or may not have indulged 'a little' (ahem 'a lot') this morning too! Hurry though, things are going fast and the sale ends tomorrow (at midnight I believe). Mwah!